One of my fav movie soundtracks of all time! The film is loosely plotted but it is less about the plot and more about the wasted and confused youth, the innocent and blissed 50s, and the documentation of car culture, youth culture and rock-n-roll before the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK and all the social, cultural movements. I can see some coming-of-age genre conventions which are used in many later films, The Breakfast Club and the other John Hughes's films. P.S. Steve almost threatens his girlfriend to have sex with him even he wants a break-up. Asshole.在eastman museum的nitrate film festival看的,老电影的质感更增加了这部电影离奇的小镇氛围,电影对于环境和动物的运用很到位,故事情节虽然有些套路,但比一般五十年代的爱情片又多了一些大胆和诡异. 比较不能忍受的是全片的男性视角. 虽然是以同情的态度讲述一位性格刚强的女性在婚姻关系中的身不由己,但大篇幅看着一个女人被几个男人抢来抢去然后又被猎狗追赶,其中的讨好男性观众的视角实在让人难受. 这座城市老电影爱好者很多,博物馆的影院几乎全坐满了人,不时响起的笑声. 这批人中有不少上了年级的白左,似乎对于性别政治不太敏感. 想起布列松的驴子巴特萨,66年的,故事与此片有相似之处,片中也用了不少动物,但布列松对情节冷静的处理以及演员超级节制的演绎深深地把女人的悲伤刻在了我心里. 民国年间,一场大雨困住了准备渡河前往喇叭沟唱红事的戏班子. 雷雨交加的夜晚,与戏班子一同避雨的竟还有杀人如麻的山匪、身份不明的巡捕…一群各怀鬼胎的人,竟都与十五年前的狐妻事件密切相关···.