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    分类:成全高清 韩国  2024 







    That afternoon they took Don Quixote out for a stroll, not in his armour but in street costume, with a surcoat of tawny cloth upon him, that at that season would have made ice itself sweat. Orders were left with the servants to entertain Sancho so as not to let him leave the house. Don Quixote was mounted, not on Rocinante, but upon a tall mule of easy pace and handsomely caparisoned. They put the surcoat on him, and on the back, without his perceiving it, they stitched a parchment on which they wrote in large letters, "This is Don Quixote of La Mancha." As they set out upon their excursion the placard attracted the eyes of all who chanced to see him, and as they read out, "This is Don Quixote of La Mancha," Don Quixote was amazed to see how many people gazed at him, called him by his name, and recognised him,and turning to Don Antonio, who rode at his side, he observed to him, "Great are the privileges knighterrantry involves, for it makes him who professes it known and famous in every region of the earth; see,Don Antonio, even the very boys of this city know me without ever having seen me."



    520影院免费收集:神探大战蓝光免费完整版全集高清,神探大战蓝光免费在线免费观看,讲述了:神探大战蓝光免费剧情介绍:That afternoon they took Don Quixote out for a stroll, not in his armour but in street ...

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